Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Marble Champ

As I began reading the story The Marble Champ by Gary Soto, I realized that the main character, Lupe Medrano, often compares herself to others. As a result, she feels badly about her athletic abilities. She seems to think that she's only good at something in which she can win. Right at the start of the story, Lupe's accomplishments are impressive. But all Lupe seems to notice is that she cannot run as fast as the other girls in school. Another example of Lupe comparing herself to others is when she describes her trouble with team sports. The text clearly says that Lupe was â€Å"no good at sports. † Lupe seems embarrassed that she isn't the star player of the team. Lupe also feels badly that she only recently learned to ride a bike, could only walk in a swimming pool, and rollerblade if her dad held her hand. This shows that Lupe is frustrated that she isn't the best at everything. As Lupe began to think about these things, she had the idea of learning to play marbles. She made the decision to teach herself to play and began feeling hopeful about being good at something which she can compete against others. This reminds me of myself when I am feeling out of practice in something. I compare myself to other people and feel insecure. But when I focus on my positive qualities, I find that I can do a good job. I hope Lupe keeps up her good attitude and feels proud of herself soon.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Inflation Impact on Economy Essay

Inflation means a rise in prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. Inflation is caused by some demand side factors (Increase in money supply, Increase in income, Black money spending, Expansion of the Private Sector, Increasing Public Expenditures) and some Supply side factors (Shortage of factors of production, Industrial Disputes, Increase in exports (excess exports), Global factors, Neglecting the production of consumer goods). Inflation effects the different sectors of the economy (Effects on the distribution of income and wealth, Effects on production, Effects on the Government, Effects on the Balance of Payment, Effects on Monetary Policy, Effects on Social Sector, Effects on Political environment) and different classes of the people (Debtors & Creditors, Salaried Class, Wages earners, Fixed income group, Investors and shareholders, Businessmen, Agriculturists). There are many causes for inflation, depending on a number of factors. For example, inflation can happen when governments print an excess of money to deal with a crisis. When any extra money is created, it will increase some societal group’s buying power. All sectors in the economy try to buy more than the economy can produce. Shortages are then created and merchants lose business. In the end, the price level rises. Another common reason of inflation is a rise in production costs, which leads to an increase in the price of the final product. For example, if raw materials increase in price, this leads to the cost of production increasing, this in turn leads to the company increasing prices to maintain their profits. Inflation can also be caused by federal taxes put on consumer products. As the taxes rise, suppliers often pass on the burden to the consumer. In Pakistan, the most important thing is the rise in prices of oil, gas, excise duties and the increase in the utility tariffs. These all has an inflationary impact on the economy. Pakistan, with a population of about 16 million people has undergone a remarkable economic growth during last few years, but the core problems of the economy are still unsolved. Inflation is one of these core problems. Government claims that in order to keep the prices of essential commodities under control, it has been taking various measures throughout the year. In order to provide relief to the low and fixed income groups, the government has been selling wheat flour and sugar through the outlets of the Utility Stores Corporation (USC) at much lower prices than the market. The government has also allowed the import of various items through land routes from neighboring countries. But, all these are secondary measures. Problems like ‘inflation’ and ‘poverty’ can’t be resolved by applying the secondary measures directly, these need strategic planning. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, these core problems have never undergone such a planning process. Government has never invited foreign investment for the production of basic goods. Agriculture sector, on which the major industries rely for the raw material has not been given sufficient subsidies. The major rise in the prices is because of the increasing prices of oil (as increased prices of oil increase the cost of production), but no such steps have been taken to control the oil prices. Domestic productions at less cost of production will not only make the availability of goods much easier but Aggregate Supply will also increase, and domestic industry will get developed. Inflation is one of the obstacles on the way of development. In Pakistan, it has squeezed the major part of the population. It needs to be controlled by strategic planning. Domestic production should be encouraged instead of imports; investment should be given preference in consumer goods instead of luxuries, Agriculture sector should be given subsidies, foreign investment should be attracted, and developed countries should be requested for financial and managerial assistance. And lastly a strong monitoring system should be established on different levels in order to have a sound evaluation of the process at every stage. Inflation always hurts ones’ standard of living. Rising prices mean people have to pay more for the same goods and services. If income increases at a slower rate as inflation, the standard of living declines even if one makes more. So it is the root cause in making and affecting economy and people of the country poor. If we want to control inflation we shall have to inflict strict control over the supply of money and evading any relaxation to the supply of money. This is the most apt way whereby we can control inflation effectively and keep the economy of the country in a strong and stable position.

Human Impact on the Natural Environment Case study: The world’s Tropical rainforests

They are found around the equator between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn. They run in a belt from west – east. The landmass of tropical forest is very extensive, it covers 7% of all the worlds land. It is trans continental; it covers 4 continents South America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. The Rainforest Environment: The Amazon rejoins of South America (Amozonia) Population density is number of people by area of land Population density = number of people/ are of land Brazil population = 150500000 Land area = 8361111 km2 population density =18 people per km2 U.K population = 56000000 Land area = 244602 km2 population density = 229 people per km2 Amazonian population = 6000000 Land area = 2000000 population density = 3 people per km2 A Comparative Analysis of population for the 3 areas? Brazil is a much bigger population and a massive amount of land so there are a lot of people living in a large amount of land that is why the population density is so low. The U.K has a large population but a small amount of lad it is very densely populated that is why the population density is so high. Amazonian has a small population and a large amount of land it is very sparsely population that is why the population density is so very low. You can read also Costco Case Study The Tropical Rainforest climate compared to our own (London and England) The range of temperature is the amount of degrees between the lowest temperature and the highest. (1) The annual rainfall for Manus is 1811mm this is about three times as much rain as London receives 600mm London has a very fixed amount of rainfall over the year and Manus has an extremly varied amount of rainfall over the year. (2) Manus has a very high average temperature at about 28oc this is about three times the temperature of londons at 11oc. (3) Manus has a very small range of temperature 2oc this shows no fixed seasons with temperature because there is very little change London's is seven times bigger a 11oc this shows that the temperature is not fixed this is show by the four seasons winter spring autumn and summer, in June, July and August the temperasture is at its highest showing summer. (4) Manus has only 2 distinct seasons the wet and the dry season because the temperature is the same all year round from November to May it rains very hevily about 200 mm from june to april it is relitivly dry about 50mm. (5) The rainfall in Manus is very heavy most of the year except of 3 months it is not fixed; in London the rain is a similar amount all year round. Vegetation and Daily Weather Conditions Read this Ch. 22 Respiratory System In the rain forest the water is evaporated during the day and by 3 o'clock it starts to rain this is covectional rainfall. This make the forest vegitation very dense and not much light reaches the forest floor, becase it is some warm and wet if anything fall to the floor it starts to decompose quickly, There are 4 layers in a rain forest the top layer is the Emergents these are 45 meters high they are close together and stop some light passing through the there is the main canopy at 30 meters this stops more light and then at 25 meters there is the under canopy this stops more light then there are the shrubs at 5 meters this stops more light, so there is not very much light at the floor. The trees in the tropical rainforest are deciduous but the forest remains evergreen. Why? There are constant high temperatures, this means that there are no seasons like winter when the tress lose there leaves, the tress lose their leaves at different times in the year so it looks like the forest is evergreen.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Research Paper - Essay Example Our general way of living as per the American Dream can also be viewed in the play. It has shown as how one rejects the realities of life and tries to settle down with the dreams that he has regarding life. Every character in the story is trying to build up upon his/her American Dream. But all of them are rendered unsuccessful in the conclusion of the story. This research essay would further relate the concepts of the American Dream with the views that Tennessee has himself put into the play Glass Menagerie and would further present as to how the characters were being deviated because of their utopia. (Gwynn 2009 20-30). American Dream has been included in the Declaration of Independence which clearly states that every man has been endowed with rights when he is born into this world. By this it is meant that all inequalities and injustice is undesirable in the society and every individual should be provided with rights through which he can become successful and lead a life which everyone would have perceived. The view presented by American Dream clearly places education as the foremost factor which can influence the people to lead a life which they have perceived. The phenomenon of the survival of the fittest should be removed from the society and all the individuals should be provided with equal rights. But according to the American Dream the ones with gifted capabilities should be given an opportunity regardless of which class they belong to. The subject of all individuals regardless of their capabilities is not seen in the American Dream. Over the time it is seen that many citizens are enjoying t he American Dream as it was perceived but many citizens are also devoid of their rights to enjoy the American Dream. This can clearly be seen in the discrimination which is being practiced in the country against many races and ethnicities. Individuals who are of a greater potential are

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Phases in Primary Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Phases in Primary Education - Essay Example This essay declares that corporal punishment in the classroom is a form of institutional child abuse. It does hurt and it can be destructive, both physically and emotionally. Therefore, as advocates for children, we must work to abolish its use. By revealing that certain beliefs about punishment are myths, that there are potential serious problems with the use of punishment, and that there are positive and effective alternatives of discipline, we hope that people can be moved to actively protest the use of corporal punishment in the classroom. Unfortunately, more than just facts are needed. The politics of change are also involved. A great deal of effort can go into dealing with bureaucratic systems, getting the attention of policy-makers, organizing support from a wide range of disciplines, and articulating related community issues. This project makes a conclusion that it is especially important to have the support of those who are directly involved with the issue, such as teachers (award-winning teachers typically do not use corporal punishment). The task may not be easy as communities frequently fail to protect their weakest citizens. The goal of eliminating corporal punishment in education is worth these difficulties. The classroom environment should be characterized by positive mutual regard and be free of abusing and demeaning acts. Until the practice of corporal punishment ceases, many children may never have the experience of learning in such a supportive, encouraging and safe environment.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Answering Questions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11

Answering Questions - Research Paper Example Suspense keeps readers on the article besides boosting their understanding of the effects of the illicit trade as he explicitly develops them. Causal analysis refers to the process through which a writer espouses on the issues related to the cause of a problem or issue. Gardner is analyzing the cause of violence in major American cities which he identifies as the trade in illicit drugs. However, she does not simply put this boldly in the beginning of either the page or the essay because, in the process of identifying the cause to the problems, he builds the problems as well. He achieves doing this by drawing the larger picture of the frequency of the violence and the nature of the very violence. It is only after satisfactorily discussing the issues that he brings the cause into context. Causal argument, on the other hand, refers to the articulation of points to ascertain that in deed the stated reasons are the cause to the problem under scrutiny. Gardner identifies the cause of the violence as the illicit trade in drugs. To prove these, he gives reasons and alternatives to what may occur without the drug peddlers in the eq uation (Gardner 266). Drugs and drug peddling is in deed a menace in the country and in the city of Vancouver. However, pushing for legalization of the very drugs would be akin to anarchy. Currently, the drug peddlers are not known and are considered criminals by the state. They operate in the shadows and in dark alleys. The crimes they commit are brought about by betrayals within their circles. Briefly, the peddlers kill or hurt their fellow peddlers. Legalizing the drugs would mean legalizing the trade of the drugs. Entrepreneurs of all sorts will flood the drug industry; this dilutes the trade and reduces profits for the investors. Secret elimination of competition is more likely to result and it may result in the loss of very many innocent lives. The drug business does not simply begin and end with the traders. It

Friday, July 26, 2019

Compare and contrast atheism of Karl Marx, and Richard Dawkins and Term Paper

Compare and contrast atheism of Karl Marx, and Richard Dawkins and provide a profound definition on atheism is with regard to fa - Term Paper Example Most of these atheists have argued that their reason for not believing in the existence of deities is the hypocrisy that comes along with religion. Some see religion as means used by the people in the upper social class to oppress the ordinary or poor people. Some also argue that religion creates a platform on which leaders try to discourage people from rebelling against their leadership. For instance, some religions claim that violence is wrong and punishable this believe is drilled into children as they grow up, making sure that they fear punishment. This makes the children who grow up having this belief to be calm even when they are oppressed by those with higher status than them. This implies that these people will not rebel against any forms of oppression. Some of the major reasons, why people become atheists are discussed below. To begin with, religions argue that there is one creator, who made heaven and earth and all that is in it for seven days. Man was also created, and the creator created a channel to speak to mankind through prophets. With the development of many religions and beliefs, there are many prophets that have emerged most of whom are fake prophets, out to lie to mankind and oppress them in some way. The many numbers of prophets lead to different prophets who make different prophesies. Many atheists wonder that if there is one creator that exists, why it that prophets often give is prophesies that contradict, instead of prophesying constituent issues. Religion prompts mankind to be kind to each other, and to help one another. Religion also helps one to understand that life is not a practice run, thus creates the urge to fulfill the part of life that requires to be fulfilled. Another fact about atheists is that they are very conversant with different religions and their teachings and practices. This is because atheists more often than not, read too much literature on religion. Karl Marx is one of the very well known atheists. Marx has been a n atheist since he was a child for the rest of his life. In the 19th century, Karl Marx was an economist, theorist, and activist of socialism and communism. In his criticisms, Marx refers to religion as the â€Å"opium of the people.† He viewed religion as a foundation for the oppression of the poor and ordinary by the strong and influential people. He also argues that religion is created so as to make the believers docile, and to preventing them from rebelling from their leaders. Moreover, he says that the people who want to fight against the leadership in place use religious interpretations to come up with justifications for their rebellion. The atheism practiced by Marx was both practical and theoretical. Various factors have contributed to his theoretical atheism. The primary factor for his theoretical atheism is due to philosophical reasons; others include social, historical and political reasons. Marx argues that if individual visits a new town and finds their beliefs b eing totally different from his/her believes, the natives of this place are bound to mock him and claim that the visitor is a victim of fantasy and abstraction. The theoretical atheism of Karl Marx has led to him developing three postulates. These three include dialectical or metaphysical materialism, which makes a consideration of matters pertaining the supreme and exceptional basis of all things that do exist. Second is the historical materialism, in which the economic factor is the basic principle and the determining factor. This postulate also

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Legal Aspects of Business Decisions Unit 2 DB SA first week last Essay

Legal Aspects of Business Decisions Unit 2 DB SA first week last submission - Essay Example This result in big problems where the USA business can run bankrupt and in the end is forced to close down. Another critical challenge that arises is the difference in terms and conditions as set by different countries. The above mention problem could easily be avoided, whereby in any supply that is made to the foreign country, there must be full payment made for the products first. Again every country has their own set military supply policies, most of this policy poses a serious problem to USA military business, where as a result, many conflict arises and also there is delay in payments or no payments at all. Foreign countries have laws in place that favors their own military where by incase of any conflicts, the foreign countries courts can defend their country and America business will have little control over that. Foreign countries understanding of USA military products may different, as a result any slight defect that they foreign countries detect, maybe used against USA business for no reasons. America business can use their own courts to follow up on other foreign countries disputes, but this too faces a challenge due to the time factor incurred and legal procedures that are undertaken for the same, this is seen where American courts lacks legal jurisdiction in foreign countries territories. One best thing that favors American business is the existence of international customs and tribunal which comes in to settle any investment disputes that arises or the also investment disputes being solved by WTO, but this to poses a problem due to the money and time wastage

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

In Palm Beach, Old Money Isn't Having a Ball Essay - 1

In Palm Beach, Old Money Isn't Having a Ball - Essay Example The Red Cross Ball in Palm Beach has, for nearly half a century, brought together the island’s upper-crust families to drink, dance, donate money and is easily the most prestigious party for old Palm Beach society. Top socialites, foreign ambassadors, entertainment superstars and occasional royalty from Europe mingle with Palm Beach’s newcomers and hundreds of out-of-town friends that can shell out money to give out and donate as well as pay for their designer tuxedos’ and gowns, flashy jewelries and cars. This has led to a somewhat tolerable â€Å"battle† between old and new money and is holding true to all traditional blue-blood communities in the country. Arguably, new money has surged in the Unite States and has overtaken the older elite in terms of statistics. This is evidenced by the journal documenting that â€Å"the number of the super wealthy in the U.S. has surged with 430,000 households now worth more than $10 million. That’s up from 65,000, adjusted for inflation in 1989. In 2001, the top 1% of Americans ranked by net worth controlled 33% of all personal assets.† (Frank 2005) Increasingly, these clashes between the desire of the nouveaux rich being accepted into high society by buying their way into exclusive clubs and into the stream of the old wealthy and the actual acceptance they receive hasn’t significantly changed. The old rich safely guard and selectively choose which clubs can be joined in. For the nation’s richest, this rapid shift in the composition of the wealthiest Americans is striking. Inherited money is being taken over by entrepreneurial endeavors of businessmen. Case in point is Bill Gates’ $48 billion net worth is more than twice the Rockefeller family’s current fortune. (Frank 2005) This striking difference is never been more evidently felt than in the Palm Beach area where the influx of new money has ignited off disputes over realty values as the status symbols. As

Business Defamation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Defamation - Assignment Example The author of the paper states that now as individuals can sue each other for defamatory or vilifying statements, a contending business can take your company to court for making statements. Which are destructive to its business repute. Some Salespeople recurrently put side by side the qualities and uniqueness of their product or service with a competitor's during the sales presentation. Such comparisons when made are often imprecise or deceptive and from time to time tend to insult a company's business standing and deform or belittle its products. These very exact rules govern what an employee can and cannot say about the feeling of hostility that he possess for any competitor. It is a far better choice to hold down your staff and even lose an account or two. Rather than suffer hazard of the advanced costs of having to secure your company in court. This is a copious position for a business defamation lawsuit. Not actually for defamation, but the case can be turned. And they can be ta ken to court for the conduct of 'Misuse of information'. As the information was already in the public domain. It is more a copyright issue than a defamation one. He would win the case, the reason being what the law and what it actually entails: The Supreme Court ploy that the Internet is an only one of its kind intermediary at liberty to have the maximum defense, under the speech protection Rights of the First Amendment to the US Constitution. This also gives the Internet free speech defense similar to the defense in print. The Internet is considered the primary electronic media to accomplish this. For the reason that of having squat barriers to admittance, not having plenty, but loads of speakers, and no gatekeepers. The Communications Decency Act was approved in February 1996. The CDA forced the broadcast-style content set of laws on the release, decentralized Internet and severely constrained the primary alteration rights of all Americans. CDT sturdily disparate this legislation because it endangered the very subsistence of the Internet as a means for gratis expression, edification, and political conversation. Even though well-intentioned, the CDA was ineffective and failed to recognize the unique nature of this global, decentralized medium. The CDA banned redistribution "offensive" or "blatantly unpleasant" resources in a public forum on the Internet -- together with net pages, newsgroups, chat rooms, or online discussion forums. (CDA act) Mathew will win against Johnson in the two courts. This case seems to portray a termination, wherein there has been no documentation of the reason why. This is why under the employment law Mathews can take the company to court and win the case eventually.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Research paper/interview Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

/interview - Research Paper Example It was discovered that detention only works to make the delinquents even worse. This is because it brings many delinquent offenders together, and they are able to share ideas and express their bitterness towards the society. Bearing in mind all the findings, the paper went ahead to recommend some alternatives to juvenile detention, such as one-on-one counselling and community service. The juvenile justice system refers to the correction mechanism used to handle offenders below the age of eighteen. In other words, it is the way the state deal with young criminals. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, young criminals were treated the same way as adult criminals. There were no special ways in which the criminal justice system dealt with young offenders. All criminals, whether young or adult were considered the same, and they were subjected to the same criminal justice system. There were no juvenile courts nor juvenile prisons. However, as time went by, the society realized that young offenders were special in a way. The reasons they ventured into crime were not the same reasons why adult criminals engaged in crime. The society, and the criminal justice system to be exact, started to find for ways through which the young offenders could be handled more efficiently and according to their special needs (Ramirez, Nd, p. 1). That is how the juvenile justice system came into being. However, one thing that did not change was the correction mechanisms. Up to date, delinquent criminals are still imprisoned, which is the major correction mechanism in the general criminal justice system. Unfortunately, detention (commonly referred to as imprisonment) has proved to do the young offenders, and the society at large, more harm than good (Leyritania, Nd, p. 1). Juvenile detention has proved to make young offenders worse. There are high chances that a detained juvenile will come out of the detention even more encouraged to commit crime. Detention therefore,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Work ethic Essay Example for Free

Work ethic Essay I would really like you to tell them that although I am goal oriented, I am by no means one-dimensional. Challenging myself academically is not a chore but rather a process culminating in self-esteem and satisfaction. I have done everything to keep a wide array of options open and am looking forward to a traditional college experience including strong school spirit, a Greek system, a strength in science and the opportunity to connect socially with other active, interesting students. I am armed with a fierce independence, well-grounded sense of self, a strong work ethic, drive to succeed, and disarming personality. I am looking forward to college with enthusiasm. The above-mentioned qualities along with my zest for all life has to offer translate into success in college and beyond. penis penis penis penis I would really like you to tell them that although I am goal oriented, I am by no means one-dimensional. Challenging myself academically is not a chore but rather a process culminating in self-esteem and satisfaction. I have done everything to keep a wide array of options open and am looking forward to a traditional college experience including strong school spirit, a Greek system, a strength in science and the opportunity to connect socially with other active, interesting students. I am armed with a fierce independence, well-grounded sense of self, a strong work ethic, drive to succeed, and disarming personality. I am looking forward to college with enthusiasm. The above-mentioned qualities along with my zest for all life has to offer translate into success in college and beyond. I would really like you to tell them that although I am goal oriented, I am by no means one-dimensional. Challenging myself academically is not a chore but rather a process culminating in self-esteem and satisfaction. I have done everything to keep a wide array of options open and am looking forward to a traditional college experience including strong school spirit, a Greek system, a strength in science and the opportunity to connect socially with other active, interesting students. I am armed with a fierce independence, well-grounded sense of self, a strong work ethic, drive to succeed, and disarming personality. I am looking forward to college with enthusiasm. The above-mentioned qualities along with my zest for all life has to offer translate into success in college and beyond. I would really like you to tell them that although I am goal oriented, I am by no means one-dimensional. Challenging myself academically is not a chore but rather a process culminating in self-esteem and satisfaction. I have done everything to keep a wide array of options open and am looking forward to a traditional college experience including strong school spirit, a Greek system, a strength in science and the opportunity to connect socially with other active, interesting students. I am armed with a fierce independence, well-grounded sense of self, a strong work ethic, drive to succeed, and disarming personality. I am looking forward to college with enthusiasm. The above-mentioned qualities along with my zest for all life has to offer translate into success in college and beyond. I would really like you to tell them that although I am goal oriented, I am by no means one-dimensional. Challenging myself academically is not a chore but rather a process culminating in self-esteem and satisfaction. I have done everything to keep a wide array of options open and am looking forward to a traditional college experience including strong school spirit, a Greek system, a strength in science and the opportunity to connect socially with other active, interesting students. I am armed with a fierce independence, well-grounded sense of self, a strong work ethic, drive to succeed, and disarming personality. I am looking forward to college with enthusiasm. The above-mentioned qualities along with my zest for all life has to offer translate into success in college and beyond. I would really like you to tell them that although I am goal oriented, I am by no means one-dimensional. Challenging myself academically is not a chore but rather a process culminating in self-esteem and satisfaction. I have done everything to keep a wide array of options open and am looking forward to a traditional college experience including strong school spirit, a Greek system, a strength in science and the opportunity to connect socially with other active, interesting students. I am armed with a fierce independence, well-grounded sense of self, a strong work ethic, drive to succeed, and disarming personality. I am looking forward to college with enthusiasm. The above-mentioned qualities along with my zest for all life has to offer translate into success in college and beyond. I would really like you to tell them that although I am goal oriented, I am by no means one-dimensional. Challenging myself academically is not a chore but rather a process culminating in self-esteem and satisfaction. I have done everything to keep a wide array of options open and am looking forward to a traditional college experience including strong school spirit, a Greek system, a strength in science and the opportunity to connect socially with other active, interesting students. I am armed with a fierce independence, well-grounded sense of self, a strong work ethic, drive to succeed, and disarming personality. I am looking forward to college with enthusiasm. The above-mentioned qualities along with my zest for all life has to offer translate into success in college and beyond. I would really like you to tell them that although I am goal oriented, I am by no means one-dimensional. Challenging myself academically is not a chore but rather a process culminating in self-esteem and satisfaction. I have done everything to keep a wide array of options open and am looking forward to a traditional college experience including strong school spirit, a Greek system, a strength in science and the opportunity to connect socially with other active, interesting students. I am armed with a fierce independence, well-grounded sense of self, a strong work ethic, drive to succeed, and disarming personality. I am looking forward to college with enthusiasm. The above-mentioned qualities along with my zest for all life has to offer translate into success in college and beyond. I would really like you to tell them that although I am goal oriented, I am by no means one-dimensional. Challenging myself academically is not a chore but rather a process culminating in self-esteem and satisfaction. I have done everything to keep a wide array of options open and am looking forward to a traditional college experience including strong school spirit, a Greek system, a strength in science and the opportunity to connect socially with other active, interesting students. I am armed with a fierce independence, well-grounded sense of self, a strong work ethic, drive to succeed, and disarming personality. I am looking forward to college with enthusiasm. The above-mentioned qualities along with my zest for all life has to offer translate into success in college and beyond. I would really like you to tell them that although I am goal oriented, I am by no means one-dimensional. Challenging myself academically is not a chore but rather a process culminating in self-esteem and satisfaction. I have done everything to keep a wide array of options open and am looking forward to a traditional college experience including strong school spirit, a Greek system, a strength in science and the opportunity to connect socially with other active, interesting students. I am armed with a fierce independence, well-grounded sense of self, a strong work ethic, drive to succeed, and disarming personality. I am looking forward to college with enthusiasm. The above-mentioned qualities along with my zest for all life has to offer translate into success in college and beyond. I would really like you to tell them that although I am goal oriented, I am by no means one-dimensional. Challenging myself academically is not a chore but rather a process culminating in self-esteem and satisfaction. I have done everything to keep a wide array of options open and am looking forward to a traditional college experience including strong school spirit, a Greek system, a strength in science and the opportunity to connect socially with other active, interesting students. I am armed with a fierce independence, well-grounded sense of self, a strong work ethic, drive to succeed, and disarming personality. I am looking forward to college with enthusiasm. The above-mentioned qualities along with my zest for all life has to offer translate into success in college and beyond.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Childhood Obesity as a Global Epidemic

Childhood Obesity as a Global Epidemic Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions worldwide and its prevalence is increasing e.g. In america, direct measures of body mass and height obtained through the national health and nutrition examination survey (nhanes) indicate that approximately 15% of 6 19 year olds were classified as overweight in 1999 2000. This value was up approximately 5% from 1988 to 1994 (ogden cl,p1728) All of the literature refers to similar statistics regarding childhood obesity. The list below gives some examples of the data available from the different sources. obesity has more than doubled between 1990 and 2000 in britain. one in 10 six year olds (8.5%) are obese. one in six (15%) 15 year olds is obese. if the current trends continue, one fifth of boys and one third of girls will be obese by  2020. Obesity is measured using the body mass index (bmi) for an individual. This is measured through a calculation relating height to weight and age, and there are agreed figures for obesity. 2 INTRODUCTION Obesity is measured using the body mass index (BMI), for an individual. This is measured through a calculation relating height to weight and age, and there are agreed figures for obesity. Childhood obesity is becoming a worldwide problem. All the articles that were reviewed highlight the rising levels but also look into health and school policies to tackle the problem. All the articles also support family focused approach for influencing dietary habits of the children, as well as support and involvement of the communities. Diseases which were only diagnosed in adults are now also diagnosed in the children, e.g. Heart diseases, diabetes, some cancers, hypertension and dyslipidemia. (vitale, e: 2010) Children are not fully responsible for their own health choices and rely on adults to protect and nurture them. (vitale, e : 2010). In South Africa overweight and obesity are not restricted to only one population group or socio-economic group. The South African youth risk behaviour study ( showed that overweight and obesity are very common in all age groups. 3 ARTICLES REVIEWED Vitale, E. (2010). A School Nursing approach to childhood obesity: an early chronic inflammatory disease. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 32(1), 5-16 Berg, Frances M. (2004). Underage Overweight: Americas Childhood Obesity Crisis What Every Family Needs to Know. Preventing Chronic Disease Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy, New York:Hartherleigh Press 464 p Kristen, R. Howard. (2007). Childhood Overweight: Parental Perceptions and Readiness for Change. The Journal of School Nursing, 23(2), 73-79 Armstrong, M E G, Lambert, M I, Sharwood, K A, Lambert, E V, (2006). Obesity and overweight in South African primary school children the Health of the Nation Study. 11(2), 52-64 Steyn, N P. (2005). Managing childhood obesity: a Comprehensive Approach. CME 23(11), 540-543 Goedecke, Julia H, Jennings, Courtney L, Lambert, Estelle V. (1995-2005) Obesity in South Africa. Chronic Disease of Lifestyle 65-78 Ben-Sefer E, Ben-Natan M, Ehrenfeld M, (2009). Childhood obesity: current literature, policy and implications for practice. International Nursing Review 56, 166-173 Saunders Karen L, (2007). Preventing obesity in pre-school children: a literature review. Journal of Public Health 29(4), 368-375 Van Staveren, T and Dale, D (2004). Childhood Obesity: Problems and Solutions. JOPERD 75(7), 44-49 4 RESEARCH TITLE A good title should give insight into what (what was done), whom (it was done to) and how (it was done) Vitale, E. (2010). A School Nursing approach to childhood obesity: an early chronic inflammatory disease. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 32(1), 5-16 What (was done) A School Nursing Approach Whom (it was done to) Children with Obesity How (it was done) As a Nursing Approach can be observation or questionnaires The titles of the articles reviewed communicate an intent and findings of the research that was done for the articles. All the articles reviewed titles were specific enough to describe the contents of the research that was done, but not so technical that only specialists will understand it. The titles also describe the subject matter of the article e.g. a school nursing approach to childhood obesity: a chronic inflammatory disease. All the above mentioned literature research titles were very concise and descriptive. The titles also prick me as reader and motivated me to read the whole article. PURPOSE To discuss the current literature in relation to childhood obesity and to provide health practitioners, especially nurses, with the fundamental knowledge that is imperative in the recognition of children who are at risk and thereby tailor appropriate interventions. KEYWORDS The following words was used as keywords throughout the articles that was reviewed: childhood obesity, obesity, overweight, nursing, nursing program, chronic disease The terms obese, overweight, and at risk for overweight have not been used consistently in the research literature regarding children and adolescents. Children and adolescents identified as overweight have a body mass index (BMI) at or above the 95th percentile of the sex-specific BMI-for-age growth charts DEFINITIONS Childhood Obesity Is defined as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater as the 95th percentile. BMI = weight in kilograms à · height in meters2 The BMI of an individual is correlated to the total body fat and percentage body fat. Overweight in childhood According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), overweight in childhood is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) at or above the 95th percentile, based on the current growth chart designated for each gender. Overweight Overweight is generally defined as an excess of body mass (in practice this is mostly body fat), whereas obesity is defined as an abnormal excess of body fat. For this reason, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses the terminology extreme overweight instead of obesity when estimates are based on relative weight indices (like the Body Mass Index, see below) rather than on direct measurement of body fat. Obesity Obesity is when there is too much body fat other than the fat tissue in our bodies. It is also defined as an excessively high amount of body fat or adipose tissue in relation to lean body mass. RESEARCH PROBLEM Childhood obesity is a worldwide spread chronic disease. There are many factors contributing to this chronic disease e.g. genetics, environment,metabolism, lifestyle and behavioural components. Overweight or obesity during childhood in most of the industrialized world, a childhood obesity epidemic is evident, with the numbers rising each year. Obesity impacts many lives: male and female of all ages, races, economic background, and education status Why is obesity a chronic disease? Obesity is associated with high blood cholesterol, complications of pregnancy, menstrual irregularities, hirsutism (presence of excess body and facial hair), stress incontinence (urine leakage caused by weak pelvic-floor muscles), psychological disorders such as depression and increased surgical risk. It affects more than a quarter of the American population. Obesity may also causes other serious medical conditions e.g. cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, etc. LOGIC ARGUMENTATION Examining the work of the the above mentioned authors on the childhood obesity issue, there are a genuine challenge to achieving, legitimate, cost-efficient progress on childhood obesity. And if we are honest about why the childhood obesity problem needs to be at the top of policymakers agenda, the most compelling answer comes back to money. It is a serious medical disease that affects over a quarter of adults in the United States, and about 14% of children and adolescents. It is the second leading cause of preventable death after smoking. Berg makes a compelling and convincing argument that the dangers of childhood obesity are real by highlighting the increased risks overweight and obese American children face for obesity-related health problems such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and psychological disorders. She notes, for example, that from 1979 to 1981, the annual hospital costs related to obesity among children and adolescents were $35 million; from 1997 to 1999, these costs rose to $127 million. Evidence from the literature provides proof of Bergs claims about the reality of the dangers of childhood obesity and further supports her reasonings that American society must take responsibility to reclaim the health of generations to come. There are many arguments that obese children will be stigmatized and that this will increase bullying, as well as leading to an increased number of children suffering from eating disorders in the future. A number of people In addition, feel that parents should be able to tell that their child is overweight and that the money could be put to better use by doing something to help change the situation. Many consider obesity an individual matter. However, children cannot be accountable for their weight. The children have little knowledge about the anatomy of their bodies. Children will keep eating if they see that junk food is advertise all over and ok. There are two main arguments on this issue: 1) Child obesity is mostly caused by food advertisements, and 2) Parents are not doing their jobs. Some argue that children are growing obese, because of the exposure to food advertisements. They believe that the government should step in and regulate food advertisements on children. A child becomes obese not because he or she watches advertisements, but because they sit in front of a television all day with no exercises or any other physical activities. In addition, it is believed that the schools as well as government is obligated to fix the epidemic. The generation has a major problem that will result in statistical records of people with heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. A solution to the epidemic can be the corporation between parents, the industries, and the government. Dr. Peter Nieman, (2004) a practicing pediatrician, has identified three main causes of childhood obesity: genetics, overeating and lack of exercise. He emphasizes that it is important to understand that the causes of obesity are often a combination of these three factors. Obesity if just not the result of a single factor. As the government becomes more aware of the serious problem of childhood obesity, schools in the UK are now planning to weigh and measure all children at the ages of 4-5, when they start primary school and again at 10-11, when they are about to leave for secondary education. Van Staveren.and Dales (2004) article: Childhood Obesity: Problems and Solutions discusses the problems related to the epidemic of Childhood Obesity. There are many problems that could have led to this epidemic but in their article, they only discuss the main four problems. The Authors feel that the following are the main causes for Child Obesity: Unhealthy food in schools No policies on good dietary in schools Unhealthy food in family life and A Lack of family responsibility towards children regarding their diets. There are many arguments that obese children will be stigmatized and that this will increase bullying, as well as leading to an increased number of children suffering from eating disorders in the future. A number of people, feel that parents should be able to tell that their child is overweight and that the money could be put to better use by doing something to help change the situation. Being parents, most of the people ask what they can do to help their children keep their weight under control. Parents can set a good example by providing healthy nutritious meals and not eating junk food themselves, but it is important to allow some treats, as being over strict is likely to cause friction. If the whole family learns about healthy nutritious eating and try cooking new healthy recipes together, kids wont feel they are being singled out. It is also very essential not to focus too much on food. Although it is an important part of life and can never be avoided, it should not be made the main topic of discussion in the family. If the overweight children are constantly reminded of their weight and what overeating can do to them, they could develop an unhealthy attitude towards food. So the parents must be sure to focus on other things, certain areas of life which are not stressful and which their child enjoys as well as good activities with the children e.g. jogging all together as a family in a park. People might believe that children eat no more calories than children 20 years ago. The fact is that, the increasing obesity rates are likely due to a combination of changes in both eating and exercise habits. Although the increase in calories has been difficult to define due to imperfect assessment methods, it has become very clear that children eat much more processed starch and sugar especially in the form of soda coldrinks and other sugary drinks than in past years. Parents often need to compromise or negotiate with children in regard to their food intake, and teenagers certainly make many of their own food-purchasing decisions on the basis of, in part, advertising. Marketing food to children dramatically worsened their nutritional intake. The issue on obesity continues to grow everyday, especially in newer generations. Many are saying generation x and future generations as well are going to be the only generations that are not going to outlive their parents. Childhood Obesity is a major contribution to these assumptions, it causes diseases and many other health problems. Dr William J. McCarthy uses logical argumentation with his audience by saying many children in this generation are becoming over weight. During McCarthys interview in the video Project 1a, he tries to warn parents as well and, with the use of pathos, (Pathos is a communication technique used to represents an appeal to the audiences emotions ) by frightening parents into believing their child is at a high risk of a disease. He states, they are starting to see diseases, which were really unheard, This causes parents to worry about their children and want to reduce the risk of them obtaining a disease. After hearing these facts parents may help their children eat healthier so they are not overweight and have a less chance of obtaining a disease. CONCLUSIONS From this review, it is apparent that obesity in South Africa is a growing problem in all sectors of the community, yet a particular challenge in children and urbanised black women. To address this problem and the associated morbidities in South African communities, a multi-sectoral approach is needed. This should include changes in policy aimed at creating an environment conducive and supportive for change, such as the promotion of physical activity and dietary education in schools. In addition, The opportunity for primordial prevention of obesity, particularly in children, should be promoted. These prevention strategies should be culturally sensitive and encompass programmes to improve the Education, status and economic empowerment of women. This assignment highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the systematically reviewed literature relating to the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity. Prevention is not realy discussed in the existing literature and no specific approach to intervention can be recommended. As prevention is generally considered the most effective, economical and socially acceptable approach to addressing the obesity epidemic, the need for clear principles upon which to base prevention strategies must be considered an urgent research priority. The reviewed literature can provide an evidence-based framework for preventative interventions. It is clear that preventative programs should include strategies to address diet, physical activity and behavioural change. With the development of guidelines in school health care the authorities should have a better understanding for the optimal spending of public money for the sake of the health of the childhood With the development of a guideline on the prevention of overweight and obesity in childhood representatives of school health care in three European countries (i.e. Croatia, flanders and slovenia) can use the same methodology in order to elaborate common evidence-based recommendations for school health services in their countries. On top of these common recommendations, some specific advices were added in accordance with the organisation of health care and school health care in the respective countries. Any country that has a high rate or increasing rate of childhood obesity must acknowledge core factors that contribute to this serious health problem. Furthermore, public policy and community involvement that include all health professionals have a responsibility in the prevention of childhood obesity. This can be implemented through education, research and advocacy of all nurses involved with children and families. Guidelines on school health care aim at increasing the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of the preventive health care as it is delivered to school aged children and adolescents. They should contribute to a better health, growth and development of children, on an individual as well as on a population level. After being informed about the principals of the guidelines, parents and children should have a clearer idea about what to expect from the school health service, and become more conscious of their own and their childrens health. Any country that has a high rate or increasing rate of childhood obesity must acknowledge core evidences that contribute to this serious health problem. This can be implemented through education, research and health education by all the nurses involved with children and families. Obesity effects thousands of Americans every year. In order to maintain a healthy weight and stop the spread of this chronic disease is by exercising and eating a balanced diet. Dont become a victim of such a deadly disease!

Manipulation Of Images In Media Texts Media Essay

Manipulation Of Images In Media Texts Media Essay There are many arguments and concepts towards manipulation of images in media texts. The manipulation of images is seen every day by everybody who picks up any kind of media text from newspapers and magazines to internet articles, retouching photos is happening. Whether its changing how a person looks, changing the dominant characters surroundings or deleting parts of the image this all adds to the audiences perception of the text which the media has given them. There is no right or wrong answer unto whether the manipulation of media texts is actually something that should happen and should carry on happening throughout texts, some people think it is wrong to change the way people look, however some people believe that the changing and manipulation of media texts is all part of the media process. There are more arguments throughout the world of media which say the retouching their images is misleading for young people and manipulates them to believe this is how you should look. I want to see regular girls that look like me in a magazine thats supposed to be for me. For the sake of all the struggling girls all over America, who read Seventeen and think these fake images are what they should be, Im stepping up (Bluhm, 2012) Julia Bluhm is a 14 year old American teenager who understood the manipulation of texts and how the retouching and development of photos will influence teenage girls lifestyles and make them change the way they look at themselves because of the fake images portrayed by the media. For young girls like Julia photo manipulation could potentially make them change the ways they look at themselves due to the retouched images, young girls tend to idolize celebrities and icons in magazines. The retouched photos which may lead them to believe their own imperfections are abnormal influencing them to even turn to anorexia and body issues. Many people believe that the manipulation of images in media texts also leads to many people having low self-esteem issues which may also cause self obsessions and body issues within ones self. Theres no end of studies that show that consistently seeing airbrushed images makes women feel worse about themselves. (Crisell, 2010) There have been many articles written to show how the retouching of images affects the lifestyles and health of people, especially women. Many psychologists have studied the effects of the manipulation of media texts and how it reflects on a persons health; many say we are more likely to compare ourselves to these images due to the excessive exposure we have to them. We live in a current society which consists of a high percentage of people living with high body dissatisfaction and manipulation of images in media texts could potentially increase this percentage. Some people may disagree and believe that the retouching of images in media is a normal thing to do and is all part of the media process. No longer is it about  just  taking pictures.   Editing is involved. (Boutwell, 2012) Today, many photographers and people involved in the media believe there is a lot more behind an image and it isnt about just taking a photo anymore, editing is used in the images in media to enhanced the beauty of the image and to potentially get the most out of it. My opinion is that Photoshop is a major reason why photographers make so much money. (Boutwell, 2012) From getting the most out of the image that is possible some people say, like Allison Boutwell, that this is how photographers and the media make more money and sell more which is a process that every worldwide business want to do and this is just the way the media achieve this. Every business and company wants to make a profit, and by selling the manipulated images is the way the media do this. Arguments can show that the manipulation of images in media texts is just the way the media are trying to earn a living so to say. The retouched images seem to show more public interest than the non retouched images due to the public wanting to see the eye catching beautiful celebrities on the cover of their favourite magazines. Beauty-retouching is a quite deceptive art. (Metzmacher, 2008) Like Metzmacher some people disagree that the manipulation of images is wrong due to the idea that retouching images is only enhancing beauty of people and is seen as an art form. Today, 23 percent of women ages 25 to 29 now retouch their own personal photo and even more concerning, 41 percent among those ages 18 to 24 now retouch their photos too. Figure like this now may begin to suggest that women now begin to feel compelled to retouch their own photos due to manipulation of media images in order to fix their own personal self-esteem problems that the media have persuaded them into. Research shows that many women globally have all started editing their own photos in order to try and fit their own personal needs. Although only 43 percent of women agree with retouching photos, higher figure show that women edit their own photos. The media assist in this process subconsciously to the public, but it may lead to potential problems in the future like women becoming too obsessive with having the perfect figure and generating the perfect photo to feel they are meeting the need of the media also. Overall, the manipulation of images in media texts and be misconstrued in both directions, there are many positive and negative aspects to retouching photos. In my opinion, i do think that redevelopment of images can be seen as an art form and is only trying to enhance the beauty of the image in order to grab the audiences attention. I think that the media have in somewhat gone too far with the retouching of photos and can convey ideas to young girls and change the way they look at themselves to try and can potentially cause them problems like anorexia and low self-esteem because of the fake images which are too perfect to even be real.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

How We Acquire Knowledge :: Education Educating Essays

How We Acquire Knowledge When I think about knowledge the first thing that comes to my mind is education. I believe that knowledge comes to people by their experiences in life. In other words, life is an instrument that leads me to gain knowledge. Many people consider that old people are wise because they have learned from good and bad experiences throughout their lives. Education requires work, dedication and faith to gain knowledge. We acquired knowledge through the guidance of from parents, role models, college/University teachers and life experiences. When we were little our parents had to guided us because we did not have the ability to live by ourselves. Sometimes, for some people, their parents taught them or they sent them to school to develop their knowledge. Parents helped their children to do their homework. They encouraged them to continue their early education. Parents help their children to build confidence in their life. A child with confidence is able to has a positive attitude in school. Also, help the child to be positive in his leaning. Many children have problems learning in school because parents do not give them support. Instead, they tell them that they are not good nothing. Also, parents help to build ways of learning at an early age. When we were, little we did not know how to study, how to read. Our parents found the best way to learn the basic education. As students, knowledge is very important to guide us to continuo our education. A way to acquire knowledge is to have a role model in our lives. In this society almost every child, adult and elder has o had has a hero in their lives. It is very important to have someone to admire because it helps to increase our interest in education and eventually it will lead us to gain knowledge. Role models make the students to feel positive that they will be able to fulfill their dreams. For example, I grew up in a Christian family. My role model since I was a little girl was Jesus. I wanted to be like him, and follow all his teachings. I knew that I could gain knowledge through his words. I know that most religions have a leader that most of the people follow. In schools, teachers can be role models. Many students want to be like their favorite teacher.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Information Warfare Essay -- essays research papers

As we entered the third wave, we traded in our pens and notebooks, for keyboards and CPU’s. A simple wire connected from a phoneline to a modem to your CPU, brings the whole world into your hands. And you into the worlds hand as well. Political realism is defined as doing what is necessary for survival. One must depend on themselves, because no one else will look out for them. Information Warfare has become a massly used tactic by individuals as well as companies looking out for their own survival, in a world of commerce, and politics. Information Warfare is an innovative and dangerous new way to harm your opponents. When one thinks of warfare the mind is usually bombarded by thoughts of M16’s, grenades, and hand to hand combat. In this new era of technology that we are living in warfare has come to mean so much more. Information warfare is the use of any type of information used to injure your opponent’s progress and further your own. The power of Information Warfare spans a broad scope of uses, from the gathering information about companies, to personal blackmail. It’s used not only by individuals against other persons, but companies and even the nation as well. As the third wave, defined by Tofflers, becomes more widely spread across the nation and world we can only expect a far larger usage of such technological tactics, being used in the home, workplace, and even international politics. Schwartau’s definition of Information Warfare is, “the use of information, and information syst ems as both weapons and targets in a conflict,'; (Schwartau 12). We are now living in a time when knowledge is power, and what is knowledge made up of? Quite simply, information.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Information Warfare is not only becoming more rampantly used among people, but they are using different types as well. There are three different classifications of Information Warfare. The first one deals with personal information warfare. This is inclusive with all the information that is available about an individual. Class two deals with corporate information warfare, which involves how information effects companies, businesses, and all economic interests. Of all the classes the third one has the broadest margin. The third class is global information warfare. This purpose of this class is to deal with all a... ... being able to visit such cites that would have pornography, and/or other material unsuitable for youngsters. The school has installed a program so that if the kids were to access prohibited cites an automatic alarm would notify Education Queensland’s network administrators. By taking control of the cites that the children can visit, the school system is helping to keep the children from visiting undesireable cites.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are programs available to those parents who feel it is necessary to monitor their childs use of the Internet. Cybersitter can be purchased for around $39.95, and can help to regulate your web browser keeping your childs access to the world wide web restricted. There is even and option in which incoming and outgoing e-mails for inappropriate material.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While it is possible to intercept and not allow such things on the internet on the Internet such as pornography, or material containing racist or violent content, in order to really do so the entire net would have to be controlled. An important question that has to be asked is who will do the monitoring, and what will they base their criteria on.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Managing Motivation in Economy Essay

The firm has had to close quite a few locations, reversing its expansion plans for the first time since it incorporated. Being that this is uncharted territory for the company, Jim Claussen, vice president for human relations, had been struggling with how to address the issue with employees. As the company’s fortunes worsened, he could see that employees were becoming more and more disaffected. Their insecurity about their jobs was taking a toll on attitudes. The company’s downsizing was big news, and the employees didn’t like what they were hearing. Media reports of Morgan-Moe’s store closings have focused on the lack of advance notice or communication from the company’s corporate offices, as well as the lack of severance payments for departing employees. In the absence of official information, rumors and gossip have spread like wildfire among remaining employees. A few angry blogs developed by laid-off employees, like IHateMorganMoe. blogspot. com, have made the morale and public relations picture even worse. Morgan-Moe is changing in other ways as well. The average age of its workforce is increasing rapidly. A couple of factors have contributed to this shift. First, fewer qualified young people are around because many families have moved south to find jobs. Second, stores have been actively encouraged to hire older workers, such as retirees looking for some supplemental income. Managers are very receptive to these older workers because they are more mature, miss fewer days of work, and do not have child-care responsibilities. They are also often more qualified than younger workers because they have more experience, sometimes in the managerial or executive ranks. These older workers have been a great asset to the company in troubled times, but they are especially likely to leave if things get bad. If these older workers start to leave the company, taking their hard-earned experience with them, it seems likely that Morgan-Moe will sink deeper toward bankruptcy. The System Claussen wasn’t quite sure how to respond to employees’ sense of hopelessness and fear until a friend gave him a book entitled Man’s Search for Meaning. The book was written by a psychologist named Victor Frankl who survived the concentration camps at Auschwitz. Frankl found that those who had a clear sense of purpose, a reason to live, were more likely to persevere in the face of nearly unspeakable suffering. Something about this book, and its advocacy of finding meaning and direction as a way to triumph over adversity, really stuck with Claussen. He thought he might be able to apply its lessons to his workforce. He proposed the idea of a new direction for management to the company’s executive committee, and they reluctantly agreed to try his suggestions. Over the last 6 months, stores throughout the company have used a performance management system that, as Claussen says, â€Å"gets people to buy into the idea of performing so that they can see some real results in their stores. It’s all about seeing that your work serves a broader purpose. I read about how some companies have been sharing store performance information with employees to get them to understand what their jobs really mean and participate in making changes, and I thought that was something we’d be able to do. † The HR team came up with five options for the management system. Corporate allowed individual managers to choose the option they thought would work best with their employees so that managers wouldn’t feel too much like a rapid change was being forced on them. Program I is opting out of the new idea, continuing to stay the course and providing employees with little to no information or opportunities for participation. Program II tracks employee absence and sick leave and shares that information with individual employees, giving them feedback about things they can control. Management takes no further action. Program III tracks sales and inventory replacement rates across shifts. As in Program II, information is shared with employees, but without providing employee feedback about absence and sick leave. Program IV, the most comprehensive, tracks the same information as Programs II and III. Managers communicate it in weekly brainstorming sessions, during which employees try to determine what they can do better in the future and make suggestions for improving store performance. Program V keeps the idea of brainstorming but doesn’t provide employees with information about their behavior or company profits. Since implementing the system, Claussen has spoken with several managers about what motivated them to choose the program they did. Artie Washington, who chose Program IV, said, â€Å"I want to have my employees’ input on how to keep the store running smoothly. Everybody worries about his or her job security in this economy. Letting them know what’s going on and giving them ways to change things keeps them involved. † Betty Alvarez couldn’t disagree more. She selected Program I. â€Å"I would rather have my employees doing their jobs than going to meetings to talk about doing their jobs. That’s what management is for. † Michael Ostremski, another proponent of Program I, added, â€Å"It’s okay for the employees to feel a little uncertain—if they think we’re in the clear, they’ll slack off. If they think we’re in trouble, they’ll give up. Cal Martins also questions the need to provide information to the whole team, but he chose Program II. â€Å"A person should know where he or she stands in the job, but they don’t have to know about everyone else. It creates unnecessary tension. † This is somewhat similar to Cindy Ang’s reason for picking Program V. â€Å"When we have our brainstorming meetings, I learn what they [the employees] think is most pressing, not what some spreadsheet says. It gives me a better feel for what’s going on in my store. Numbers count, of course, but they don’t tell you everything. I was also a little worried that employees would be upset if they saw that we aren’t performing well. † Results to Date Claussen is convinced the most elaborate procedure (Program IV) is the most effective, but not everyone in the executive committee is won over by his advocacy. Although they have supported the test implementation of the system because it appears to have relatively low costs, others on the committee want to see results. CEO Jean Masterson has asked for a complete breakdown of the performance of the various stores over the past 4 years. She’s specially interested in seeing how sales figures and turnover rates have been affected by the new program. The company has been collecting data in spreadsheets on sales and turnover rates, and it prepared the following report, which also estimates the dollar cost of staff time taken up in each method. These costs are based on the number of hours employees spend working on the program multiplied by their wage rate. Estimates of turnover, profit, and staff time are collected per store. Profit and turnover data include means and standard deviations across locations; profit is net of the monthly time cost. Turnover information refers to the percentage of employees who either quit or are terminated in a month. To see if any patterns emerged in managers’ selection of programs, the company calculated relationships between program selection and various attributes of the stores. Program I was selected most frequently by the oldest stores and those in the most economically distressed areas. Programs II and III were selected most frequently by stores in urban areas and in areas where the workforce was younger on average. Programs IV and V were selected most frequently in stores in rural areas, and especially where the workforce is older on average.

Eating Habits

ingest habbits Junk sustenance, glide bying fit. In todays fast-moving world, battalion have little and little duration to spend burying. It is in all probability for this reason that put away victuals has fabricate so popular, and theres no doubt that its here to stay. In fact, it seems that you simply gr take dealt unsex away from it. Obviously, a diet of junk fodder is non the best function for your health, particularly as it is high in saturated fat. This type of fat is associated with owing(p) risk of cancer. Apart from the risk of cancer, a nonher(prenominal) side effect of consuming extremely fattering aliment is that you ar likely to polish off exercising weight.This is especially true because you tend to eat more, as junk pabulum is less satisfying and lower in zippy nutrients than healthier food. The best advice, for those who cannot live without it, is to hold back the amount junk foodthey eat/ A little now and then go away likely do no ha rm. untried people pick up the appraisal that speed marrow excitement, whereas anything traditional is dim and boring. As a result, they turn take d hold traditional food and go for junk food instead. An different alarming thing is that while the amount of junk food we eat has increased, the amount of compute we do has actually passd.Exercises servicing to control our weight and if taken regulary, can alike decrease our having a content attack in later action. What is more you dont have to exercise practically to profits vasible benefits, twenty minutes three propagation a week is all that is necessary. large number nowadays be actually farthest more aw be of the importance of exercise and healthy diet than they were a hardly a(prenominal) years ago. Rcent reserch has shown that young people, who prefer burgers and chips to lavish gourmet dishes, tend to become overweight. Reserchers arouse that the new genration will be much more likely to suffer from heart an d liver desease.What cant be emphasised adequate is fact that a balanced diet and regular exrcise sustain significant health benefits. You can chance upon anything from glowing skin to an allround odouring of levelheaded health. One way or another, the great majority of people seem to be missing out on this, out-of-pocket mainly to the pressures of modern life. Ironically, if they were to call for time to exercise and improve their eat habbits, they would probably find that they were far better equipt to deal with their stressful lifestiles than they are now. Vegan leaving. A large number of people do not eat meat.Vegans have taken this a step further by refusing to consume or use anything that comes from animals. This doer that not only when they do not eat meat they do not eat fish, poultry or dairy farm products either. Although a vegan diet may be strict, there are true advanteges to be gained. Firstly, because a vegan diet is low in fat and cholestrol, the risk of heart disorder is reduced. Secondly, there is less preassure on farmers to keep animals under furious conditions to produce milk, egg and poultry. On the other hand, benignants are natural meat eaters and any(prenominal) ingrained ingridients in our diet can only come from animal products.For example, we cannot prolong enough vitamin B12 from plants, so vegans have to take this vatamin, do from yeast, as a supplement to their diet. Moreover, the human digestive system cannot digest legitimate plant proteins, and this can lead to last problems. Although there are some disadvanteges to adopting such a strict diet, people feel that overhall it is a healthier way of life. Furthermore, it is cruel to kill animals for food and if e actuallybody adopted a vegan diet, our whole outlook on life would change for the better.Factors that influence on food choices Food choices are influenced by galore(postnominal) factors, age, gender, friends, family, cultural background and where w e live. Although the main offer of food is to nourish the body, food means far more than that to many people. It can represent much of who and what we are. People alinement and foster relationships around the dinner instrument panel and at celebrations with special meals and foods, such as birthday cake. Some people mouth their creative side by percentage dinner guests, as well as expressing their awareness and appreciation for others.Some people in like manner use food to help them cope with stress by satiate or depriving themselves. Food may also be used as a reward for accomplishing a specific goal. Consequently, what people eat can reveal much about who they are socially, politically and religiously. Factors influencing food preferences include Taste, *texture* *and* *appearance*. economic science The cost of food affects what we eat. Our early experiences with food Food preferences begin early in life and change as we are exposed to new people and places. As children, our choices were in the hands of our parents.However, as we get older, our experiences with new people and places increase, thereby widen our food preferences and choices. Habits Most of what we eat from a particular core group of foods. rough one hundred items account for 75 percent of the foods most people eat. Having a narrow range of food choices provides us with security. For example, going to a particular fast-food eating house provides common expectations and experiences. Many people also have the cooking habits of our mothers or grandmothers. gardening Religious rules can affect food choices.For example, Hindus do not eat beef, and some Jewish people do not eat pork. The region that people are from can also affect eating behaviors. Swedish people would not eat an ear of corn, because it is considered food for hogs. In Russia, we dont ordinarily eat insects, but many other cultures regard them as preferred foods. agriculture can also dictate the clock to eat and wha t to eat at certain meals. Advertising To capture the interest of the consumer, food producers spend billions of dollars each year on advertising and packaging, both for food bought in grocery stores and restaurants.The power of persuasion is very strong, and so food producers and restaurants try to make their products as appealing as practical to consumers, even if that means making fake claims. Social factors Social changes have a big effect on the food industry. Our fast-paced society demands drive-through restaurants. Gas move now have convenience stores and restaurants committed to them, so people can do one-stop shopping. Malls also cater to their customers with food courts religious offering a wide variety of foods. My own eating habbits

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Poetic Techniques Employed by Robert Herrick Essay

much(prenominal) of the poesy of the s neverthelessteenth century was heavily romantic, foc development on damsels and decadent p maneuveries w present the Roman wine graven image Bacchaus ruled supreme. Amongst the movements teachings was the idea of Carpe bumpm the Latin expression for becharm the daylight. Herrick, fascinated by this ancient philosophy, centred many an(prenominal) of his poesys on the stalk, cautioning plenty to wont their clip wisely.Robert Herrick was iodin of the community of Ben, a root of poets who followed and were inspired by the works of the dramatist Ben Jonson. The Cavalier Poets were tickn as followers of Ben Jonson beca enforce, in the enounces of professor Jennifer Mo 1y, they drank with, rimed with and modeled themselves after Jonson. The adduce Cavalier was given to the group as they were a movement who believed in animation vitality to the full. Anniina Jokinen states They treat c beer cavalierly, indeed, and somemultiplicat ion they treat poetic convention cavalierly too They glorified the ordinary rather than great historical or unreal epics. nevertheless it is non motionless this group of poets that Herrick is connected with, to a greater extentover with the Carpe Diem poets much(prenominal) as Andrew Marvell who was the author of the famous To His Coy schoolmaam and Christopher Marlowe.This oration will look at the texts All Things Decay and Die, To get going mirthfully and To depone to Good Verses, To Daffodils, To whap of Tulips, Corinnas departed a Maying and the famous To the Virgins to Make Much of Time. sever anyy of these verse forms be rattling mistakable, however there are many differences that r wipeouter them unique. This dissertation aims to analyse Herricks carpe break-dancem numbers by poring over the techniques employed by Robert Herrick in his geographic expedition of the design.One reason wherefore Robert Herricks song is so successful is beca part it is uncomplicated. recess of this constraint is servinged by symbolization that is employ to reverberate the ideas of psycheity and carpe decomposem. These symbols are univers exclusivelyy understood and give the metrical compositions non nonwithstanding richness hushed withal an part of clarity that is gracefully treated. This informality is brilliantly unambiguous in To the Virgins, To Make Much of TimeGather Ye rosebuds while ye whitethornOld Time is still a flyingBut this same blooming that smiles todayTomorrow will be Dying.This commencement ceremony stanza displays Herricks rough-and-ready simplicity. Sarah Gilead states that the proto natural business concern is the distillation of the carpe diem message as it states a mere fact of purport we are here for a position term completely and we must(prenominal) utilisation our time wisely. It is the universality that has make Herricks poetry finale finishedout the ages. He uses latitudes that are everlasting. The rosebuds in this stanza symbolize the fruits of look affairs we set out to gain in our jazzs. The rosebuds could be anything they could be ordinary poppycock objects such as a house, or something much sentimental standardized love. Herrick advises us though, to get them while we are young, for young chop-chop dies. thitherfore the rosebuds non lone(prenominal) symbolize the objects and aspirations of feel, only when heart its egotism for we too tomorrow will be anxious(p). A similar use of flowers as a symbol of the brevity of life is patent in To rashs plum pledges of a fruitful tree,why do ye wane so unshakable? bloom of offspring is, of course, the blooming of flowers. However, notwithstanding their obvious viewer, they cursorily wither and die. In this poem Herrick looks upon the dying blossoms of a tree. Through this Herrick sees that these blossoms return how it is the reputation of all things to pass remote. This is apparent as Herr ick happen upons how in its leaves one can realize how briefly things can end, and by supposeingLike you awhile, they glideInto the grave.Thus, Herrick is comparability the lives of blossom, to the lives of tender-hearteds to find that they are both the same they are both mortal and must die. By choosing something like Blossom that passes away so speedily, Herrick exaggerates the unawaresness of the gentleman life span but in doing so reveals that we too life for simply a brief time.This idea is similarly shown in All Things Decay and Die, which c erstwhilerns itself non with flowers, but rather with the decently trees of the forest. Again Herrick shows how no one is invincible by showing that even the mightiest of trees has to decomposition and die. Nothing withstands time but time itself. Herrick portrays this theme by victimisation the idea of trees. Trees, unlike blossoms, live for hundreds of years. tho they are not immortal and must therefore die. Herrick disp lays this by penThe autonomous of all plants, the oakDroops, dies and falls without the spring cleavers stroke.What is evoke is the use of the article main(a) as its connotations to royalty and King. This c at a timept of power and nobility is retell forward in the poem when the oak is set forth as the proud dictator of a state like wood, which once more than than implies strength, power and authority. So why does Herrick use such vocalizes to describe a tree? The answer is because he wanted to show that the mighty fall as well that they are not immune to the rules of the cosmos. Therefore it is lucid that through the use of vegetation Herrick has created a saucer-eyed, hitherto strong parallel of human life that explains just how fiddling our lives are and illustrates why exactly we should seize the day.Herricks poetry, though, has otherwise ideas which illuminate the theme of carpe diem. The flowers in To the Virgins and To a Bed of Tulips not hardly symbolize life, but are apply to represent virgin women. These deuce poems pep up the virginsBe not coy, but use your timeAnd while ye may go marryFor having lost but once your primeYou may forever tarry.Robert Herrick strikes a note here as it is human nature to put things off and to say Theres unceasingly tomorrow, but if we forever tarry aside we shall never do what we planned time will catch up on us. In other talking to seize the day To a Bed of Tulips has an closely identical last stanza as over again Herrick repeats his message to those unmarried maidens by dictum Come virgins, then and seeYour unaccentedties, and keen yeFor, lost like these, twill beAs time has never enjoy yeOnce more Robert Herrick is drawing a parallel betwixt his cardinal subjects as he compares these virgins with the Tulips. In this final stanza he describes the virgins as frail and insignificant in the world. This mirrors the rest of the poem as the tulips quickly wither and that they, like the v irgins, will die even as the meanest flower. However, these stanzas show another(prenominal) side of Herrick which, four hundred years after these poems were written, is not quite as popular. To the modern reader, who may regard these stanzas as s follow, might find these final verses as an anti climax. After three beautifully musical verses of flowers and salary increase fair weathers, a final stanza describing marriage as a adult females greatest ambition is not going to appeal to the career muliebrity of the 21st century. So why, then, are these poems still popular in our modern times? The answer is quite simply that the previousverses with their simple imagery and the parallels of the sun and flowers pull out up for a somewhat go out ideology.Flowers though are not the only use of symbolism in Herricks literature. The sun and its daily path of sunrise(prenominal) and sunset has to a fault featured in some of his poems. For example in To the Virgins the chip stanza begi nsAs yet the early-rising sunHas not attaind his noon.This shows how the suns rising and place are used to symbolize the euphony of life. Perhaps not an uncommon thing in literature or religion, but effective as it not only parallels life and death but it too holds links to the idea of heaven and unremitting life an ironic feature in poems about mortality. The connection with heaven is discernible in To the Virgins when in verse two Herrick statesThe prototypic-class lamp of heaven, the sunThe higher hes a gettingThe before will his race be angleAnd nearer he is to view.What Herrick is dictum here is that time is wearing on and that life is drawing to a close for the sun is al most(prenominal) setting on a day and on a life. However it is the first term of products in this stanza The elysian lamp of heaven, the sun that is the most effective. It has connotations with perfection, the land of eonian youth and happiness the immortality that does not exist in our physical world. The word glorious makes the sun seem dazzling, brilliant, and because glory is likewise a biblical shape, it echoes this link with God and heaven. Lamp though is a curious term to be used to describe something of such importance and beauty. barely it works, for the sun is the silly of Heaven, which all people accept to be our final destination and homeland. Roger B Rollin says in his study of Herricks poetry that the rules of the atmosphere mirror the rules of all life whether it be tool or plant, and that we are condemnd to die before we come to our prime. This argument is passing accurate as the suns daily routine of rising and setting is a mirror of human life that begins in child hood and ends in a withering old age.As Herrick has used symbolism and imagery like an expert in his work he has created many beautiful poems which, despite outdated views on the division of women in society, hang in popular verses in this modern world of meet opportunity. Another reason though, why Herricks poems are still popular today is his cultural experimentation namely the put to work of authoritative and simple mythology in his writings.Greek mythology, which appears frequently in Herricks writings, has greatly influenced his poetry. H. R. Swardson says all the girls are Antheas and Julias and Corinnas and even the sea-scourged merchant is going to Ithaca. In fact such is this influence that some critiques suggest that it shows a devotion to the ethnic spirit. However as Robert H Denning statesIt is a humanistic coalition which is neither exclusively Christian nor classical-pagan, but rather an imaginative conk out.This imaginative blend creates what Denning describes as ceremonial universality import that the poem can appeal ceremonially to all faiths and generations. This is most clearly seen in Corinnas Going A Maying where classical myths are used in capital of New Hampshire with more Christian ideas and rituals to describe the i dyllic English countryside in spring. For example, in the first stanza Herrick describes the birds as singing hymns and it being a sin to still be wrong at Dawn.However, whilst these two references are plainly Christian the description of the Titan on the eastern hill is distinctly classical. The jubilance of May is also heaped in cognition as its many myths show that it is a pagan festival about grandness when sexual relations, which were generally not recognised in Herricks day,were tolerated. May daytime is used in Corinnas Gone A Maying as a rejoicing of youth. This is effective as May daylight is the gathering of spring and spring is youth. This is evident in the poem as Herrick writesTheres not a bud boy or girl this dayBut is got up and gone to bestow in MayA crapper of youth, ere this, is comeThis describes the festive spirit of the actor a mood that is depicted so often in Herricks writings. By depicting the boys and girls as budding he reflects the setting of the nimble spring day and the flowers opening in the sun of May. Herrick also shows that it is a solemnization of youth by saying it is the boys and girls getting up and describing the youth as orgasm to bring in May. However the virtuous holiday is evident later in the poem when Herrick saysMany a kiss, both odd and evenMany a glance, too, has been sentFrom out the eye, loves firmamentThis part of the poem exhibits the soci up to(p) looseness of May Day as Herrick illustrates the flirtatious nature of the day by describing how the kisses are both odd and even which gives the impression that many advances carry been made that day. Also, by writing how love has been fuddled by looks from out the eye Herrick shows the festivity and the sexual nature of the day. Swardson suggests though, that Herrick is only able to create this relaxed atmosphere in a strict society because the classical poser or setting allows a fleeting suspension of Christian standards. It may provide, in t he modern phrase, a moral holiday . In other words, because Herrick uses both strict Christian doctrines and the more liberal atmosphere of pagan May Day and classical ideas he is able to write a poem using loosermorals than would normally be allowable.This moral holiday that Swardson describes is essential in Carpe Diem poetry for Christian guide nervous strains generally promoted patience, simplicity and in some factions it discouraged the art of merry making. Herrick though, uses the looser principles of Paganism along in harmony with Christianity to create a legitimate, but festive setting. The festive setting is profound in Herricks poetry as he uses it to mirror the idea of living life to the full and prehension the day.This technique is evident in To anticipate blithely and to institutionalize to Good Verses as once more classical mythology plays its part. This poem is about the ceremony of bliss and uses mythology to create as in Corrinnas Gone a Maying, a loose and fes tive setting in which to portray the theme of seizing the day. To Live Merrily and to Trust to Good Verses follows typical Herrick structure in its simplicity and melodious room. Each verse toasts a classical writer like Homer. However the poem starts by describing the skin rash earth.Now is the time for mirth,Nor cheek or tongue be dumbFor with the flowry earthThe halcyon pomp is come.Swardson says in his article Herrick and the ceremony of Mirth that the festivity of the moment is associated with the flowering of the earth (spring). This is evidently very similar to Corinnas Gone A Maying which also uses the gaiety of May Day as a platform for the theme of seizing the day. The theme of this poem is slightly varied than others though as Herrick recognizes that there is an division of immortality in writing after all Homer and Ovid were all writers many centuries before and yet they were vital in Herricks day , and are still alive in ours through their art. Swardson describ es this by sayingDeath is conquered not by renouncing the frail world whose beauty dies, in company favor of an everlasting other world, but by realizing most successfully the beauty and mirth in the natural world. Thus you do not abjure verses but entrust to good verses.Swardson explains how by recognizing the magnificence of this temporary world, rather than be loyal to that of the beside you can become immortal. This is evident in his poetry as it consistently conveys the beauty of the world. Therefore Herrick sees his poetry as immortalizing himself. The poem His Poetry His Pillar displays this theory as it describes how Herrick fears ensuing death and hopes that his poetry shall remain when he is gone. This is an uncommon idea in Carpe Diem poetry. The legal age of writers in this movement wrote poems that seemed as fleeting as life and youth themselves in the hope of convincing their buff to cast caution to the wind. The Sonneteers though, wrote poetry for a reason similar to Herrick in the hope that they and their loves could become immortal.Part of To Live Merrily and to Trust to Good Verses festivity though, is cod to its structure. The majority of Herricks poetry uses a simple ABAB poesy stratagem, and To Live Merrily is no exception. Although the poem is longer than the majority of Herricks poetry (which is universally no more than four verses long) is simple rhyme scheme and satiny verse assistance to mirror the fellowship atmosphere in which the poem is set. The majority of Herricks poetry is musical brusk and songlike. Most of his poems are no more than four verses and use only six to heptad syllables per line. This factor, and the simple rhyme scheme create a quick and steady flowing lyrical verse. This is apparent in the poem To a Bed of Tulips.Bright Tulips, we do knowYou had youre coming hitherAnd attenuation time does knowThat ye must quickly wither.This technique results in a poem that is short and to the point (another sim ilarity between Herrick and his fellow Cavaliers). This simple, song-like rhythm and rhyme scheme are very effective as they help to create that joyful party atmosphere that is so well portrayed in To Live Merrily and to Trust to Good Verses. However another exposition sometimes offered is that this flowing rhythm mirrors the earthly concern of mortality. Critic Gordon Braden describes Herricks lyrical style as almost childlike for he says in his book The Classics and English renascence Poetry that Herricks poetry is likeThat of childlike discovery and amazement, a short but bright faculty of upkeep continually distracted by something new.This is evident as in To the Virgins each parallel the sun, flowers, the description of youth are all dealt with quickly before Herrick begins his new direct of thought. The idea of Herricks poetry as being child-like in aspects is also evident in his subject matter as although his theme is serious, his glorification of the sun and of the fe stive party atmosphere creates something more playful and fun.Yet not all Herricks lyrical poems comply with the same structure. To Blossoms and To Daffodils are both slightly more erratic and complex in rhythm and rhyme. To Blossoms consists of one stanza of eighteen lines, its rhyme scheme is In To Daffodils we have two stanzas of eleven lines with only the daily rhyme such as concisely and noon and spring and thing. The number of syllables in these two poems is also not consistent. In To Blossoms lines range from having four to eight syllables and in To Daffodils there is from two to seven.These poems, you assume on first glance, would have a more rambling rhythm rather than flowing style of the majority of Herricks other poems, and yet when read the poems retain Herricks musical sound. This is maintained simply by the combination of both styles. For example at the start of To Daffodils we have his more reparation sound somewhat Daffodils, we weep to seeYou haste away so soon As yet the early rising sunHas not attained his noon.This first part of the poem uses the iambic foot. What this government agency is that the stresses fall on every sec syllable and therefore when reading the poem the stresses always fall on the last word at each line creating a sing song effect that suits Herricks lyrical style.However in the trice part of the poem instead of using his regular structure he uses a cross between long and short lines using enjambement. For example lines five to seven use a pattern of one six syllable line sandwiched between two, two syllable lines. This part of the poem is peculiarly effective as by putting Stay, deterrent twice on the one line the speaker sounds more urgently imploring as thought the daffodils would wither away before his eyes unless he begged them not to. This structure of the two part stanza is repeated in the second verse as once more it begins with Herricks usual lyrical form, before changing in the latter half to a more i rregular one. This second half of the stanza uses enjambment to put an accent mark on plastered words.We dieAs your hours do, and dry away(predicate)The way the words We die are placed on their own line reminds the reader that we share the same fate as the daffodils. The effect is mirrored with the word away and by putting this emphasis on these words it creates a more drumming rhythm. The manner in which the word Away is put onto a lineof its own suggests the hollow finality of death.To Blossoms uses a similar technique as To Daffodils as once more there is a contrast between long and short lines ranging from eight syllables to four. The rhyme scheme is also slightly more complex with an ABBCCB structure. These factors help to produce a slightly more interesting rhythm as it speeds up and slows down. For example in Stanza 1Fair pledges of a fruitful treeWhy do ye fall so fast?Your date is not so pastThe longer line followed by the two shorter lines creates a fast first two lines, but when typical Herrick structure dictates that line two should be followed by a another line of eight syllables and it does not then it creates a slower rhythm which makes line three stand out. This is evident to a greater extent of the last lines of each stanza, which are also the shortest at only four syllables. The lines And go at last and Into the grave are the most noticeable of these. The words Into the grave end the poem on a get down note. The fact that the poem is fairly fast paced up until that point means that the words are given a particular stress and reveal a particularly sudden and abrupt end the very nature of life.Herrick reflects the relative simplicity of his account with an exceedingly uncomplicated structure, both with rhyme and rhythm. Even his more complicated verses still hold the musical part that his simpler poems contain. This is one of Herricks merits as an over adorned structure would clash with the content and would ruin his poetry. On the other hand, when he ventures slightly outwith his simplistic sphere he creates very effective structures that help to emphasis the theme as can be seen in To Daffodils and To Blossoms.In conclusion it is evident that Herrick uses structure, symbolism and aninteresting blend of religious ceremonies in his exploration of the theme Carpe Diem. Through the simplicity in the rhythm and rhyme of his poems, Herrick has invoked the fleeting quality of life and the beauty of the world we live in. These two ideas are portrayed in the content of these poems through the use of symbolism and imagery. Yet the reason why Herrick, despite having somewhat dated opinions on the role of women, is still a poet of our time is because of his simplicity and ceremonial universality.To describe his poetry one would have to say simple but beautiful, for throughout his writings Herrick pays homage to the flowering of the earth and uses it to show how brief and temporary our presence is a parallel that all can under stand. Herricks blend of different cultures and religions in his writing has also helped to immortalize him as it gave his poetry an acceptable but care slack moral tone that remains pertinent and enjoyable today.BibliographyA. Leigh DeneefThis Poetick LeturgieDuke University Press 1974ISBN 082230323XH.R SwardsonPoetry and the initiation of LightAllen and UnwinISBN 0048210161 1962Robert H. DenningRobert Herricks Classical ceremonyJohn Hopkins University Press 1967Roger B. RollinRobert HerrickTwayne Publishers 1992ISBN 0805770127Sarah GileadUngathering Ye Rosebuds Herricks misreading of Carpe DiemCritisism A Quarterly for writings and the Arts 1985Other Resources UsedWebsiteshttp//www.luminarium.orghttp//